Preview Our Fully Integrated Lessons
All Video Stories and Lesson Plans are in English and Spanish. We have tiered our lesson plans for three Grade Bands: 4th-5th grade, 6th-8th grade, and 9th-12th grade.
Here are two examples of our Video Stories in both English and Spanish, with their corresponding lesson plans.
A Small Gesture Means So Much - Sharing Our First Telephone
Lesson Objectives
A Small Gesture Means So Much - Sharing Our First Telephone
Lesson Objectives
Pauline Barr shares what it was like having a telephone and sharing it with the locals.
Lesson Materials
Use these materials to aid the video content above. The Reusable Resources listed below are a small sample of over 30+ documents we have available to instructors and students alike.
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Un Pequeño Gesto Significa Mucho: Compartir Nuestro Primer Teléfono
Objetivos de la Lección
Un Pequeño Gesto Significa Mucho: Compartir Nuestro Primer Teléfono
Objetivos de la Lección
Pauline Barr shares what it was like having a telephone and sharing it with the locals.
Materiales para instrucción
Use estos materiales para ayudar al contenido del video anterior.
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Emotional Chaos After Friendly Fire
Lesson Objectives
Emotional Chaos After Friendly Fire
Lesson Objectives
Bill Huber was just 21 years old when he was aboard the USS Iowa ferrying President Roosevelt to North Africa. The ship was almost sunk by accidental fire of a torpedo from a neighboring ship.
Lesson Materials
Use these materials to aid the video content above. The Reusable Resources listed below are a small sample of over 30+ documents we have available to instructors and students alike.
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Contact us to get full-access, or an extensive free-trial today!
Caos Emocional Después del Fuego Amigo
Objetivos de la Lección
Caos Emocional Después del Fuego Amigo
Objetivos de la Lección
Bill Huber: Habla de haber transportado a Roosevelt en barco al norte de Africa y Roosevelt habló a la tripulación.
Materiales para instrucción
Use estos materiales para ayudar al contenido del video anterior.
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¡Contáctenos para obtener acceso completo o una prueba gratuita extensa hoy!